New Washers and Dryers!

Yankee Equipment finished the installation of our new laundry equipment on Thursday morning. Please keep the following points in mind when using our new equipment:

1. The price remains the same; $1.00 per wash and $0.75 per dry.

2. The washers hold 18 lbs., more than our old equipment. Don’t overfill the washers. Note that the washer door has a glass which moves into the washer cavity.

3. Pull the drawer open which is located to the upper right of the washer door. The right-hand compartment in the drawer is for detergent. The left-hand compartment is for fabric softener. Do not add detergent through the washer door.

4. Don’t use more than one-forth cup of detergent. Too much detergent will clog the machine.

5. Remember to set your temperature preference. If you make no selection, the machine defaults to cold water.

5. Remember to clean the lint trap in the dryer. Only put one load of wash in a dryer. If you try to double-up, the dryer won’t work properly.

6. Because the controls are visual and not tactile, Jeff will have to put Braille labels on the machines. Please do not remove the Braille labels.

7. If the machines need service, call Yankee Equipment systems, Inc. toll-free at 1-800-239-9265.



