Category: Improvements
Garden Design Contest Submissions
The designs are in! Here you will find the four submissions in our garden design contest. Please review them and email your comments to the group. Design your own garden: Download this overhead picture of the garden and draw your design on top of it!
New Washers and Dryers!
Yankee Equipment finished the installation of our new laundry equipment on Thursday morning. Please keep the following points in mind when using our new equipment: 1. The price remains the same; $1.00 per wash and $0.75 per dry. 2. The washers hold 18 lbs., more than our old equipment. Don’t overfill the washers. Note that…
Painting the Common Areas
Chateau Din depends on the volunteer efforts of its owners to accomplish smaller maintenance and improvement projects. These projects save the association money, improve our relationships as neighbors, and improve the value of our building! The following photos are from our 2007 summer painting project. To see more pictures from the painting project, visit the…
New Carpets
We have all been pitching in to repaint the walls before the new carpet comes. We’ve put two coats of white trim paint on all the borders, then cut and primed the walls twice, then cut and painted with “canvas” colored paint from Benjamin Moore. It was long and messy, but it was also great to…